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irDA piHAT


The IrDA piHAT is a IrDA SIR transceiver HAT for raspberry Pi. It will allow you to experiment and develop solutions that require IrDA SIR serial communication from 9600 to 115200 baud rates. The unit can be purchased with enclosure, that gives the product more complete form. Blue and Clear Enclosures are available for purchase. See the options below.

Clear selection
SKU: 6755.

Product Description



The IrDA piHAT is a IrDA SIR transceiver HAT for raspberry Pi. It will allow you to experiment and develop solutions that require IrDA SIR serial communication from 9600 to 115200 baud rates. The IrDA piHAT comes pre-configured for 9600 bps serial SIR communication with the target IR device.



  • – Complete solution for IrDA communication on Raspberry Pi
  • – Supports with IrDA® Physical Layer Specification (version 1.3)
  • – High quality infrared transceiver
  • – Up to *2 meters IrDA SIR communication
  • – Supports Baud rates from 9600 – 115200 bps
  • – No drivers are required


Example Usage:

  • – Interfacing with irDA power meters
  • – Interfacing with irDA printers
  • – Interfacing with irDA PDAs
  • – Data communication between two Raspberry Pi’s
  • – Any other devices that communicate via irDA SIR


Package contains:

  • – 1x IrDA piHAT for raspberry pi
  • -*Optional enclosure (clear or blue semi-transparent)


The IrDA piHAT comes factory pre-configured for 9600 baud rate serial communication. The baud rate can be changed by using the on-board switch and sending specific HEX commands toward the onboard mcp2120 for changing the baud rate setting.


Product Video:





The Irdroid irDA piHAT hardware is connected to the raspberry Pi serial port. The port needs to be enabled in order to communicate withe irDA piHAT. Enabling the serial port is easy.


  • – Start sudo raspi-config and find serial in the Interfaces menu.
  • – Answer NO to the question about login shell.
  • – Answer YES to the question about serial hardware port.
  • – Reboot.


The serial port should be available at /dev/serial0. Now you can use a terminal software such as minicom or cutecom and use 9600,n,1 for the serial settings and you will be able to communicate with irDA enabled devices from the Raspberry Pi.

*  The range depends on the other irDA communication device capabilities, but in general it is about 2 meters

*You can purchase an enclosure for raspberry Pi which is compatible with this product from the link below:


A GitHub gist, describing how to use the module with the Linux IrDA protocol stack: